Roadtrip friendly, Airplane approved

The biggest travel dates of the year are upon us so I thought I would put together a list of travel friendly (health conscious) snacks. There are a lot of choices out there & I encourage you to Google “healthy travel snacks” to see what your favorites are. My list is travel friendly foods that you can throw in your purse, briefcase, carry-on or backpack that don’t require a cooler & are sure to get through airport security.

    Red, green, yellow. There are so many to choose from. They are a good source of fiber and are not easily bruised from floating around in your bags. To prepare wash your apple, wrap it in a paper towel (it doubles as a napkin for later) & place in a plastic bag. 

    Choose beef or turkey, either way this snack is high in protein to keep you full on that long car ride to Grandma’s house & low in fat. 

PB & J Trail Mix
    Through some peanuts & dried cranberries in a ziplock and you are in business with a healthy snack can that can travel anywhere. Add some peanut butter chip or Captain Crunch for extra sweetness for the kiddos. 

Other great options include: Dried fruit & Energy Bars (my favorite right now are Luna Bars)

I wish all of you safe travels this Thanksgiving & Christmas Season. 

One thought on “Roadtrip friendly, Airplane approved

  1. Bonus tip for Apples: If you prefer them pre-chopped, dice away then lightly brush with lemon juice. The acid keeps the apple from turning brown!

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